Eye Examination

Eye examinations should be made a part of your annual medical examinations. The main function of the eyes to process visual details, detect light and distinguish shapes and colors. When any one or all of those functions become compromised, the solution might not be easy as a pair of glasses, but often involves various surgical procedures. The importance of a routine eye exam is to help detect early signs of any eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataracts or macular degeneration.

A comprehensive adult eye and vision examination can include anterior and posterior review of all ocular system and functions. Our doctors will treat and evaluate as well as refer out if needed to the appropriate specialists and primary care physician in order to best deliver customized care to help the patient in full.


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Eye Exam and Consultation

Our doctors will ask you questions about any symptoms or issues you are experiencing, medications you are currently taking, any blurry vision, and your work environment. Your family history and previous eye or vision conditions will also be discussed during the examination process. Our doctors will consider testing for binocular vision dysfunction and eye teaming difficulties whenever appropriate especially in young children exhibiting poor school performance and lack of comfortable focusing.

Eye Testing

Our optometrists perform several tests to evaluate depth perception, color vision, eye muscle capabilities, peripheral vision, and responsiveness to light. Also there are other simple tests those need to be performed ton determine whether the eyes are focusing, moving, and working together properly. The results will help our Doctors to diagnose any emphasize conditions that may be impairing the eyes ability to focus or work together.

Contact Lens Examination

If you wear or want contacts, you need a contact lens exam in addition to a comprehensive eye exam. Our doctor will perform this additional special tests during a contact lens exam to evaluate your vision with contacts.

  1. The first test will measure your eye surface to determine what size and type of contacts are best for you. Doctor may also want to do a tear film evaluation to make sure you have enough tears to comfortably wear contacts.
  2. With the results of those tests, your eye doctor can provide a contact lens prescription that is the right fit for your eyes. An eyeglass prescription is no substitute for a contact lens exam because the two are very different. An eyeglass prescription measures for lenses that are positioned approximately 12 millimeters from your eyes; whereas a contact lens prescription measures for lenses that sit directly on the surface the eye. An improper fitting or prescription of contacts can damage the health of the eyes.
  3. Once you have the correct fit and prescription for contacts, you'll need to decide whether you want disposable contacts or extended wear, and if you want your contacts to be colored.
  4. Doctor will fit you with a trial pair of contacts and have you wear them for a few days. In about a week, you'll need a follow-up exam to make sure you have adjusted to your new lenses.